Senin, 10 September 2012

Chicken Lawar Bali

  Balinese chicken dish is always making my family while eating spirit. There's a spicy bite, savory and crunchy crispy beans. Eaten with white rice, guaranteed more gusto!

250 g minced chicken meat
200 g green beans, thinly sliced
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
2 bay leaves
10 pieces of red chili, finely sliced
150 g grated coconut - baked till golden brown
3 tbsp fried onions
Seasonings, puree
12 grains of red onion
7 cloves garlic
6 cm kencur
6 cm galangal
1 tsp sugar

How to Make:

     Saute the spices until fragrant
     Add ground chicken and cook until done.
     Enter the long beans, lemon grass and bay leaves.
     Cook briefly that beans remain crisp.
     Add the remaining ingredients. Add salt, pepper and sugar if necessary
     Serve with hot white rice.

For 6 people

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